What Paint Can You Use on Shoes: A Quick Guide in Using Paint to Personalize Your Footwear
You can use acrylic paint for painting your shoes. Acrylic paint is a popular type because it’s waterproof and durable. Always test a small amount of the paint on a hidden area first to ensure it is safe to use on your shoes.
Consult a professional artist or shoe repair person if you still need to decide whether to use acrylic paint on your sneakers.

Using Acrylic Paint on Shoes
For Sneakers
You can use acrylic paints on various surfaces, including the material of sneakers. However, before painting your shoes, it’s crucial to test acrylic in an inconspicuous area to ensure it won’t damage your shoes.
Also, use a cloth or a brush instead of your hands to avoid accidents. Acrylic paint is also very durable and can be used on various shoe types, from sneakers to sandals. Be careful to avoid getting the color on the fabric or the rubber parts of the sneakers – this may cause damage.
On the Soles
You can use acrylic paints on the soles of your sneakers. However, note that the paint will only dull over time. So, switch to a different color if it quickly wears down.
For Leather Shoes
There are better ideas than painting leather shoes with acrylic paint. It needs to be better suited to leather because it doesn’t adhere to the surface. Over time, acrylic paint can cause damage to the leather, making the shoes less durable and more prone to wear and tear.
Acrylic paint causes the shoes to become brittle and crack. If you want to color your shoes, use paint specifically formulated for leather.
For Canvas Shoes
Painting canvas shoes with acrylic paint is possible. Acrylic paint is typically used on canvas or wood surfaces. However, as with all shoe materials, it’s essential to test a small area of your shoe before painting it to ensure no damage.
For Vinyl Shoes
Because acrylics are water-based, you can use them on vinyl shoes without causing damage; however, you need to use a solvent. Using solvents and acrylic paint on shoes is possible, but it is essential to be cautious and follow proper safety precautions. Solvents, such as acetone, can remove paint or other substances from shoes. However, they can also be harmful if inhaled or ingested, and you should use them in a well-ventilated area.

You can use acrylic paint to decorate or customize shoes, but it is essential to use paint specifically designed for shoes or other durable surfaces. Before painting, the shoes should be cleaned and prepared correctly to ensure that the paint adheres well. The paint should also be allowed to dry completely before wearing the shoes.
It is also important to note that using solvents and acrylic paint on shoes may affect their durability and water resistance. Therefore, it is recommended to test the solvent or paint on a small, inconspicuous area of the shoe before applying it to the entire surface.
How to Paint Shoes With Acrylic Paint
Painting shoes with acrylic paint is easier than you might think. It can be a fun and creative way to express your personality and style.
Remove the Laces
Remove the laces and brush the shoe clean with a damp cloth. Mix the paint according to the instructions on the can. Apply color to one half of the shoe and let it dry for several minutes before brushing off any excess paint using a soft brush or cloth; replace laces afterward.
Clean the Shoes Thoroughly
Cleaning the shoes before painting is vital to ensure a successful outcome. Use a mild soap to remove any residue. Then make sure they are thoroughly dry before applying paint.
Acrylic paint is best applied in thin coats and should be avoided if the shoe’s surface contains leather.
Decide on a Method for Painting
When it comes to painting shoes, there are a variety of ways to go about it. Whether you prefer using a paintbrush, spray, or airbrush – the results will be the same. The only thing that matters is how creative and at the moment you want to be!
Once you have decided on your preferred method, clean the surface well beforehand. Any dirt residue will ruin the finish, so ensure everything is prepped before beginning. Once painting begins, take your time and enjoy every second of it.
Prepare the Shoes
When painting shoes, it is crucial to follow the correct steps. First, ensure the shoes are clean and free of dirt before beginning. Next, dilute the paint according to the instructions on the bottle before applying a thin coat of paint. Then, allow it to dry, and seal it with a glossy finish if desired.
Draw the Designs
To start painting your shoes, draw the design you want on paper. Then transfer it onto the shoe using a brush or spray paint. Remember to use adequate preparation – clean the shoe thoroughly before painting!

Practice on an Old Pair
There’s no need to be scared of painting your shoes – acrylic paint is easy to use, making it the perfect medium for painting old shoes. So if you’re new to this art form, try practicing by painting a pair of shoes that you don’t want anymore.
Experiment with different colors and shades until you find the one best suits your shoes. You can also add unique designs and ornaments using acrylic paint!
Cover the Inside and Sole With Tape
To get the best results, use a unique technique called “taping.” This involves taping over the inside and sole, then painting your shoes using acrylic paint. Not only does this provide a durable finish, but it also prevents the paint from touching surfaces you don’t want it to be. So clean them afterward with acetone or paint stripper for a fantastic shine!
Apply the Acrylic Paints
Choose the paint color of your choice and paint the shoes in the desired pattern or design. Be sure to test the colors on a small shoe area to ensure they’re safe for footwear use. Then, let the shoes dry before wearing them.
Let the Shoes Dry
When painting shoes, it’s vital to ensure the surface is clean and free of oils or waxes. Choose a light, neutral color that will go with any outfit. Apply a thin paint layer using a brush or spray can. Let it dry for a few hours before wearing your shoes.